Digital etherCON Snakes

Cable Factory’s digital etherCON snakes utilize the world's finest tactical ethernet cables. Along with the neutrik etherCON, the snake makes it the most robust, flexible and accurate for data transmission.
Multi-Channel Network Snakes

4 Channel CAT6A etherCON Snake Cable

Live Link 4 channel CAT6A snake cable with Neutrik etherCON connectors
Multi-Channel Network Snakes

4 Channel CAT5E Ethercon Snake Cable

Live Link 4 Channel CAT5E snake cable with Neutrik Ethercon Connectors
Multi-Channel Network Snakes

4 Channel CAT6A Ethercon Snake Box to Box

Live Link LCAT6A4C 4 channel CAT6A snake cable with 4 chassis Neutrik CAT6A etherCON connectors on sub-4 box to 4 chassis Neutrik CAT6A etherCON connectors on sub-4 box
Multi-Channel Network Snakes

4 Channel CAT5E Ethercon Snake Box to Box

Live Link LCAT5E4C 4 channel CAT5E snake cable with 4 chassis Neutrik CAT5E ethercon connectors on sub-4 box to 4 chassis Neutrik CAT5E ethercon connectors on sub-4 box

4 Channel CAT6A Ethercon Box to Splay

Live Link LCAT6A4C 4 channel CAT6A snake cable with 4 inline Neutrik CAT6A etherCON connectors on splay to 4 chassis Neutrik CAT6A etherCON connectors on sub-4 box
Multi-Channel Network Snakes

4 Channel CAT5E Ethercon Box to Splay

Live Link LCAT5E4C 4 channel CAT5E snake cable with 4 inline Neutrik CAT5E ethercon connectors on splay to 4 chassis Neutrik CAT5E ethercon connectors on sub-4 box

4 Channel CAT6A Ethercon Splay with Cable Reel

Live Link LCAT6A4C 4 Channel CAT6A snake cable with 8 inline Neutrik CAT6A etherCON connectors on splay to splay with cable reel